300 total style over all substance!!

"300 is not a complicated film. It's going to be widely ridiculed and rightly so, because viewed with the slightest critical distance it becomes extremely funny, but taken on it's own terms - as Greek myth meets Looney Tunes - it's kind of a masterpiece." BBC
"...Like Robert Rodriguez’s Sin City, Snyder’s film scrupulously replicates the artist’s baroque, kinetic drawings but drains them of their power; dialogue that’s barely passable on the page (“Only Spartan women give birth to real men!”) becomes bona fide Gouda onscreen. Worse, the historical event comes on like a Hannity & Colmes argument, squeaking out a muffled antiwar comment while a neocon fantasia of military might roars with volume and fury. A fun-sapped maelstrom without meaning, 300 simply pummels you with endless loops of battle-porn. While you couldn’t classify the movie as entertainment, it might have a long, prosperous future as a Clockwork Orange–style Ludovico Technique." TIME OUT
Obrigado pela Dica.
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